Verified Times? VERIFIED means “to make sure or demonstrate that something is true, accurate, or justified.” Are 40 yard dash times ever true, accurate, or justified? In this article, [...]
“They Just Want the Damn Recipe!” (Part One of a Trilogy) by Brad Dixon It usually goes something like this: “Coach, I have been following Coach Holler for a while and reading all of the Feed the [...]
Breathing to Perform, Not Survive Why can’t every athlete perform under pressure or stress? A primary reason why some athletes excel under pressure and others crumble is due to their ability to [...]
Five Essential Lifts by Jim Aikens I was out to lunch the other day with my buddy Tony Holler. We hadn’t gotten together for a while so it was nice to catch up. We talked about a number of [...]
Feed the Cats Seminar It was 1980-something, over thirty years ago, and I was the head basketball coach at Harrisburg High School. I flew (my first-ever flight) to learn the ins and outs of Duke [...]
Dexalytics: New Age Performance Composition Dexalytics will be one of twelve presenters at the Track Football Consortium held in Chicago Dec 6-7. Presenters include the Vince Anderson (sprint [...]
TWO BRAINS I’ve had this two brain idea since my frat days at Knox College (1977-1981). I didn’t move into the Beta House until September of 1978, two months after the movie [...]
Never Slow Down Never Grow Old by Tony Holler *Feed the Cats* went public in March of 2013 when I wrote my first article for the Illinois Track and XC Coaches Association. My writing, with [...]
SECOND HAND INFORMATION: CHARLIE FRANCIS Charlie Francis died on May 12, 2010, at the young age of 61. I turn 61 in February. I knew nothing of Charlie Francis with the exception of the Ben [...]
BUT IT MUST HAVE MEANING! I got my first tattoo on my 40th birthday, twenty years ago. The tattoo was only an inch tall and it would never be seen unless I was sleeveless. To me, it was a big [...]